USD$-Where to now?

USD$-Where to now?

Capital markets recovered some of their luster last week as investors found positives from both the ...

USD$ crisis is underway!

USD$ crisis is underway!

‘There is never just one cockroach in the kitchen’. Despite assuranc...

Loose Lips Sink Banks

Loose Lips Sink Banks

When I was young, I used to spend a couple of weeks every summer at my Grandparent’...

Yellen Louder!

Yellen Louder!

US hawks continue to speak aloud, after Hoenig and Stern earlier in the week we had Janet Yellen foc...

Freddie and Fannie Flop?

Freddie and Fannie Flop?

The USD$ is weaker in the O/N trading session. Currently it is lower against 13 of the 16 most activ...

Will the G8 perform?

Will the G8 perform?

The USD$ is stronger in the O/N trading session. Currently it is higher against 14 of the 16 most ac...

Make or Break Time for China?

Make or Break Time for China?

December 2001 marked an important point in China’s economic revolution ââ‚Â...