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Oil extends gains, gold vulnerable
Oil well supported after OPEC+ assessment Oil prices are extending gains after the OPEC+ meeting today, at which producers agreed to continue to increase output by 400,000 barrels per day, next month. At the last meeting, the group agreed to continue with planned increases in January but made clear it could make adjustments at any point if omicron proves to be a significant drag on demand. It's clear based on today's meeting that downside risks to demand from the new variant never materialized
Jan 04, 2022 by Craig Erlam
Oil edges up, gold vulnerable
Oil moves to the top of its range Oil prices edged higher overnight, Brent crude rising 1.25% to USD 78.90, and WTI climbing 0.85% to USD 75.95 a barrel. Diminishing omicron concerns have supported oil through the holiday period and the spectre of OPEC+ now looms over energy markets.
Jan 04, 2022 by Jeffrey Halley
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