Live Rates on MarketPulse
Stay on top of the market with our live currency rates provided by OANDA. We give you real-time exchange rates for major and top traded instruments. Our live rates are constantly updated to give you the most current market data.
Instrument | Sell | Buy | Daily % Change | 24h Chart | Sentiment |
Prices shown above are top-of-the-book prices and sourced from OANDA Global Markets Ltd.
This Live Rates table allows you to browse the markets based on the following criteria per respective category:
Popular instruments
50 instruments, with the largest number of OANDA clients trading them, are refreshed daily.
Hot instruments
The hourly refreshed view of up to 50 instruments across OANDA shows that client interest in trading them increased significantly compared to the average in the last five weeks.
Here is a list of 30 instruments with the biggest price difference from their average change over the past 30 days.
Up to 50 instruments with the highest ratio of net-long positions held with OANDA in the last 24 hours will be refreshed every five minutes.
Up to 50 instruments having the biggest ratio of net-short positions held with OANDA in the last 24 hours and being refreshed every five minutes